Friday, November 24, 2006

no time

I am very busy, so I do not have time to post. I am working on my 5000 word research essay. So much research... this could take 50 hours. Plus I was up to 3000 words and my file got corrupted. Its good I have found a backup! This is only one of 6 classes this term. Oh, the stress.

So here is something instead from Rex Murphy's Point of View.

Source: CBC -the National

Conspiracy mongering is a vicious instrument

Sept. 12, 2006

For some people, any official explanation of an event is always and only a synonym for a cover-up.

For such types, reality is a labyrinth of shadows and speculation, nothing is ever as it seems.

One plus one always equals something other than two, and there is no such thing as a straight line from "A" to "B".

They live in a world of spies and schemers, of aliens who are never seen, corporate forces who manipulate whole countries, governments who plot and kill their own citizens, and where Zionists or Freemasons, the Templar Knights or Opus Dei, have been running the planet for ages.

This is the mentality that argues Roosevelt staged Pearl Harbor, that John F. Kennedy had more assassins than the entire cast and extras of "Ben Hur" - it was really crowded on that grassy knoll - and that Princess Diana was most likely done in by members of the royal family; Elizabeth II, the Buckingham Palace Soprano.

On a pop level, this is the world that finds an audience of millions for the lukewarm stew and plastic history of Dan Brown's fatuous Da Vinci Code and has tentacles that reach towards those true believers in the mystic power of New Age crystals, spirit channelling, of people who talk to trees and fully expect the bored trees to talk back to them.

On a much more sinister level, conspiracy mongering is a vicious instrument of defamation and hate.

The hideous granddaddy of all conspiracy theories is also the most durable one: the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the document that "proved" the most lasting of malicious fantasies, that the Jews run the world and seek its ruin. The Protocols are loopier than a bucket of eels on a Ferris wheel and known to be a hoax for over a century, but of malicious gullibility there is no end. 9/11 has spewed conspiracy theories almost from the moment the first plane hit the first tower. Among the earliest and the most despicable - an echo of the Protocols here - was that 4,000 Jewish employees stayed home that day. In other words, the Jews did it.

Lately, there has been a whole whirlwind of broken logic and wishful thinking, malice and misinformation trying desperately to dress up as truth.

One of my personal favourites is the claim that no planes at all were involved in 9/11, that those were missiles wrapped in holograms that slammed into the buildings. Hand me a pointy ear, Spock, someone's been watching far too much Star Trek.

The overarching theory is that Bush and the neo-Cons, not bin Laden, not al-Qaeda, not Mohammed Atta and his virgin-hungry suicide team, but slow-witted George and his puppet masters, that they are the real villains, that the president and his plotters murdered 3,000 of their own citizens.

I do not know why we give any oxygen to these extraordinary libels. Detestation for George Bush may qualify a person for many things, but it is not a degree of metallurgy, just as anti-Americanism is not a branch of physics.

These theories that suggest a sitting president and his advisors would murder their own citizenry are a calumny, as lunatic as they are contemptible. They come from the imagination of hate, the pernicious concoctions of minds allergic to reality, and are beneath the dignity of reasoning human beings. For "The National", I'm Rex Murphy.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

How old are you?

Have you ever wanted to know how old you REALLY are? Well now you can find out with this funny site.

Monday, November 13, 2006


It is kind of wet around here - to say the least. That is not too surprising considering that this is the wettest month of the year in the wettest city I have ever lived. The picture compares precipitation in a few of the places I have lived. You will have to click on the picture to see it.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ralph Klein

I am sure you have all seen this clip by now, but what do you think of it?

Monday, November 06, 2006


The 24hrs paper questioned why the BC Liberal Convention ordered Alberta Beef when BC has a multi-billion dollar beef industry. It is worthwhile to point out that almost 100% of all cattle in BC are sold to Alberta feedlots where they are pumped with hormones and grain, slaughtered, and sold back to us in the name of Alberta beef.

At one time BC did produce her own grass fed beef, but the prairies had a glut of grain, so with some clever marketing, cows were switched to grain (which is highly unnatural and unhealthy for cattle). As a result these animals need to be injected with antibiotics to prevent intestinal infections. Yummy! This closed the slaughter houses in BC because it was cheaper to ship cattle to Alberta than it was to ship grain to BC. It is noteworthy to also mention that BC cannot grow grain of any significance because our growing season is too short. There are small pockets where grain production is possible like the Peace Region small portions of the southern valley bottoms.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Vhat are you sinking about?

I saw this few months ago on Global's 6 o-clock news. It has got to be the one of th e funniest commercials ever. Tell me what you think.