Monday, October 30, 2006

random blog entry

Today it got down below freezing. brrrr.

I was reading this week that in 1966 the median age in Canada was 25.4 years old, but in 2006, it is 38.8 years old. Median means half the population is older and half is younger - so I think the average age is much higher. So inother words, if this were 1966, I would be on the dying half of the population. I don't feel old, but I felt severely out of shape playing hockey on the weekend.

Could someone please explain to me why most of the eggs in the Real Canadian Super Store are sold in plastic cartons?? The eggs are always broken in these containers. I had to sort through 6 dozen eggs just to find one that didn't have any broken eggs.

Also, is it just me, or is it hard to research stuff (say for school) on the Internet anymore without wading through the hundreds of personal blog sites? I guess I will go back to using the library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1966- WWII ended in 45 all the children born right after that war, "Baby Boom", were 21 or under, that is why the median age is so low. We are at the end of the "boomlet" so that is why it is so high now, most of the baby boomers children are in their 20's or 30's.

The sell them in plastic containers because they know the eggs will break, that way you have to buy more. As far as I am concerned all the food there is crap, so if you are buying anything that does not come in a can, shop elsewhere.

Blogs Rule, they allow everyone to post their opinions knowing no one with a life will ever read them :P